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Chris Yamez

Male • 7 Subscribers • 321 PlaysACTOR/VOICE ACTOR | CREATOR

Chris Yamez

Male • 7 Subscribers • 321 Plays
New Audios
I'm a Taurus, of course I'm stubborn.

[M4F] [Accent] [Friends to Lovers] [Cooking] [Music] [Exposing My Birth Chart] [Astrology Banter] [Flirty] [Moaning] [Dirty Talk] [Consent] [Oral] [Penetration] [Praise]

31:18 · 48 Plays
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I always thought of you as sunshine and sparkles, not gloom and corpses.

[M4F] [Accent] [SFX] [True History] [Confession] [Freezing Time] [Warlock] [Wizard] [Oral] [Clock Ticking] [Quickie] [Penetration] [In Front of Everyone]

13:11 · 14 Plays
Oh, this one is *eerie*.

[Accent] [Story Time] [Reading to You] [Sound Effects] [Poetic] [Spooky] [SFW] [No Sex] [Aftercare]

34:04 · 16 Plays
Unfortunately for you, your husband's a bum. Unfortunately for him...I exist.

[M4F] [Pleasure MDom] [Infidelity] [Banter] [Lust] [You Deserve Better] [Fingering] [Eye Contact] [Let Me Take Care of You] [Doggy] [Praise] [In Public]

31:52 · 1 Play
I'm painting the beautiful scenery on our vacation, and you ask me to paint you instead.

[M4F] [Accent] [Vacation] [Established Relationship] [Muse] [My Love] [Praise] [Oral] [Sound Effects] [Moaning] [Loving] [Boyfriend]

16:48 · 2 Plays
The final overheard recording for you.

[MF] [Overheard Sex] [Continued] [Recorded With a Partner] [Moaning] [Breathing] [Whimpering] [Overheard]

19:00 · 1 Play
This is what you wanted...isn't it?

[M4F] [Accent] [Boyfriend] [BFE] [Banter] [Post-Wedding Debrief] [Leftovers] [Jealous] [Possessive] [Condescension] [MDom] [Fingering] [Moaning] [Spanking] [Praise] [Penetration] [Dirty Talk] [Brat Taming]

20:30 · 0 Plays
Another raw, real overheard recording for you.

[MF] [Overheard Sex] [Part 1 Continued] [Recorded With a Partner] [Moaning] [Breathing] [Whimpering] [Daddy] [Penetration] [Overheard]

19:53 · 3 Plays
How about another story before bed? Sit tight and drink your tea, please.

[M4F] [SFW] [Accent] [Boyfriend] [Aftercare] [Relaxing] [Unwinding] [Reading] [Poetry] [Cozy]

31:17 · 0 Plays
I read your pages on psychosomatic research — your mind is truly…beautiful.

[M4F] [Accent] [Biology Professor] [Nerdy Dirty Talk] [Pleasure Research] [For Science] [SFX] [Clit Play] [Studying You] [Oral] [Penetration] [From Behind] [Teacher/Student] [Dirty Talk]

26:45 · 0 Plays
Let me help you unwind.

[M4F] [Accent] [Guided Masturbation] [Instructions] [Edging] [Slow] [Orgasm Control] [Mindfulness]

13:23 · 19 Plays
I cherish our visits, but they have become infrequent, and today you come with devastating news. [CW: Death]

[M4A] [Romantasy] [Immortal Djinn] [Terminally Ill] [Friends to Lovers] [Possession] [Unity] [Meta] [Three Wishes] [Arabic] [Eternally Bound] [Fantasy] [Loving]

19:44 · 3 Plays
Holy shit. The elevator is stuck. I told you, you’re bad luck.

[M4F] [Accent] [Stuck in an Elevator] [Smelling Your Hair] [Flirting] [Banter] [Neighbors to Lovers] [Confession] [Long Time Coming] [Oral] [Wet Sounds] [Moaning] [From Behind] [Penetration] [Sound Effects]

16:30 · 0 Plays
You can't drive in this weather. Take your parka off, and let me make you some tea.

[M4F] [Accent] [Exes to Lovers] [Silly Goose] [Storm] [We Have History] [Wintery Vibes] [Banter] [Nostalgia] [SFX] [Moaning] [MDom] [Oral] [Penetration] [Snowed In]

12:50 · 0 Plays
Wait! We didn’t get dessert — let’s see if we can’t find a grocery store nearby?

[M4F] [After Dinner] [Established Relationship] [Accent] [Teasing] [Flirting] [Banter] [In the Car] [Safeway] [Spontaneous] [Raining] [Wet Clothes] [Moaning] [Penetration] [Boyfriend] [In Public]

15:12 · 15 Plays
After our passionate train romp, we curl up for a giggle and a story.

[M4F] [Safe for Work] [Accent] [Boyfriend] [Brothers Grimm] [Rapunzel] [Reading You a Story] [Banter] [Snuggled Up] [Train Ride]

26:01 · 0 Plays
Wow — it was a *great* idea to leave the party early.

[M4F] [Aftercare Audio] [Boyfriend Experience] [Banter] [Teasing] [Begins with Orgasm] [Post Sex] [Bed Time] [Mostly SFW] [Washing Your Face] [Brothers Grimm] [Story Time] [Loving] [Aftercare] [SFW]

17:50 · 0 Plays
Let these audios be a reminder to do the things you love and take care of yourself.

[M4F] [SFW] [Fall Vibes] [Cozy] [Guitar] [Sleep Aid] [Aftercare] [Relaxing] [Sweet] [Boyfriend] [Soothing] [Self Care] [Drink Water]

13:24 · 0 Plays
You want something from me, so I want something from you.

[M4A] [MDom] [Voyeurism] [Deal with the Devil] [Fantasy] [Play a Game] [Strip] [Follow Instructions] [Edging] [Orgasm Control] [M4F]

12:07 · 0 Plays
What’s it like to transform? Well, it’s like my senses have been cranked up to the maximum setting.

[M4F] [Accent] [Werewolf Boyfriend] [SFX] [Fantasy] [Beast] [Moans] [Growls] [Primal] [Oral] [Penetration] [Rough] [Dirty Talk] [Heartbeat]

27:58 · 0 Plays
I know something’s wrong — please just tell me.

[M4F] [Old Friends to Lovers] [Accent] [Spare Key] [Angry] [Resentful] [Before I Leave] [You Ghosted Me] [Saying Goodbye] [Confession] [Sound Effects] [L-Bombs] [Passionate] [Penetration] [Moaning] [Intense] [Friends to Lovers]

16:07 · 2 Plays
We get carried away talking and end up back at your flat.

[M4F] [Strangers to Lovers] [French] [Accent] [Quickie] [Deep Chats] [Making Out] [Banter] [Moaning] [Oral] [Praise] [Riding] [Penetration] [Strangers] [France]

15:12 · 0 Plays
I took the midnight train...

[M4F] [Accent] [Boyfriend] [Food Cart] [Kisses] [Train] [In Public] [Oral] [SFX] [Penetration] [Praise] [Hold the Moan] [Stay Quiet] [Aftercare]

18:41 · 0 Plays
I couldn't think of a scenario, so I decided to try something new.

[MF] [Overheard Sex] [Recorded With a Partner] [Moaning] [Breathing] [Whimpering] [Daddy] [Penetration]

15:44 · 3 Plays
What would you sacrifice for a once in a lifetime experience?

[Alternate Endings] [M4F] [MDom] [Spooky] [Growls] [Human Sacrifice] [Summoned] [Demon] [Reward] [Masturbation] [Good Girl] [Rough] [Praise] [Moaning] [Take It]

22:03 · 47 Plays
You had a horrible day at your toxic job, and I decide to surprise you with a bath and takeout.

[M4F] [Boyfriend] [Deep Voice] [Accent] [Gentle MDom] [Teasing] [Playful] [Bath Bomb] [Oral] [Fingering]

20:09 · 2 Plays
You summoned me four times. What on earth is it?

[M4F] [You Take Revenge] [Role Reversal] [Tying Me Up] [Rough] [Topping from Bottom] [Devil] [Demon] [Evil Laugh] [Flirting] [Playful] [Teasing] [Bondage] [Sound Effects] [Spell] [Moaning]

16:41 · 5 Plays
I know the gods are angry I kidnapped you from your wedding, but I worried you were in great danger.

[M4F] [Accent] [Picnic on Olympus] [Cupid] [Greek Mythology] [Voyeurism] [Passionate] [Moaning] [Forbidden Love] [Romance]

16:24 · 2 Plays
Put the phone down and just be here with me.

[M4F] [Friends to Lovers] [MDom] [Degradation] [Accent] [Wine] [Charcuterie] [Banter] [Drop the Pretenses] [Let Go] [Sit In Between My Legs] [Fingering] [Edging] [Use Your Words]

20:15 · 0 Plays
I will never stop defending you.

[M4F] [Sequel] [Continued] [Duke] [Baroque] [Multiple Characters] [Fantasy] [Accent] [Historical] [Royal] [Checking on You] [Making Out] [Broom Closet] [Passionate] [Moaning] [Praise] [Oral] [Princess] [Penetration] [Romance]

25:06 · 0 Plays
I'm hosting a cocktail party, and whenever I try to speak to you, I only embarrass myself.

[M4F] [MDom] [Strangers to Lovers] [Cocktail Party] [Clumsy] [Charming] [Infidelity] [Moaning] [Oral] [Riding] [Accents]

20:53 · 1 Play
I don't typically take naps with Bumble dates.

[M4F] [Accent] [SFX] [Breakfast Date] [Music] [Met on Bumble] [Second Date] [Cooking for You] [Banter] [Flirting] [Time Lapse] [Consent] [Moaning] [Eye Contact] [Fingering] [Oral] [Gentle MDom] [Condom Usage]

21:11 · 19 Plays
The power one can wield...with but a name.

[M4F] [Duke] [Baroque] [Fantasy] [Accent] [Historical] [In Public] [Royal Ball] [Series] [Reluctant Bachelor] [Banter] [First Time] [Fingering] [Oral] [Penetration] [Interrupted] [Plot Twist] [Cliffhanger]

28:18 · 26 Plays
I was hoping you might call on me again.

[MDom] [Deep Voice] [Fantasy] [Accent] [Impatient] [Chains] [Granting Your Wish] [Deal With the Devil] [Play a Game] [Say the Words] [Growls] [Lucifer x2] [Follow Instructions]

15:18 · 0 Plays
Time is the one thing I have a lot of. In these castle walls, it seems I spend most of it thinking of you.

[M4F] [MDom] [Accent] [Enchanted Castle] [Cursed Prince] [Rough] [Growling] [Spanking] [By The Fire] [Beauty and the Beast Inspired] [Historical] [Fantasy World]

18:54 · 4 Plays
Let me serenade you?

[M4F] [Aftercare] [Safe for Work] [Boyfriend] [Music] [Guitar] [Singing] [Sweet] [Funny] [Relaxing] [Soothing] [Comfort]

27:05 · 0 Plays
Let me play you something.

[Safe for Work] [Outdoors] [Under the Stars] [Banter] [Guitar] [Singing] [Relaxation] [Aftercare]

25:19 · 0 Plays
I accidentally bought salt instead of sugar. Do you have any I could borrow?

[M4F] [Direct to Listener Intro] [MSub] [Baking Cookies] [Banter] [Neighbor] [Awkward] [Open Relationship] [Social Anxiety] [Moaning] [Mistress] [Oral] [Please] [Praising You] [Neighbors]

17:51 · 0 Plays
Of course I'm having fun...I'm with you, aren't I?

[M4F] [SFX] [Accent] [Wintery Vibes] [Boyfriend] [Banter] [Freezing Cold] [Frozen Lake] [Swiss Alps] [Apple Cider] [Moaning] [Warming Up] [Praise] [Oral] [Penetration]

17:22 · 15 Plays
I've watched so many gardening YouTube videos. Our yard is literally going to be Eden.

[M4F] [Gentle MDom] [Boyfriend] [Playful Banter] [In Public] [Outdoors] [Messy] [Bratty] [From Behind] [Moaning]

11:44 · 44 Plays
Oh my god, why didn’t I fucking knock?

[M4F] [Accent] [Pineapple Tattoo] [Walking In] [Awkward] [Banter] [Running Into Your Ex] [Painting] [Friends to Lovers] [Oral] [Praise] [Penetration]

20:01 · 4 Plays
You’ve been a pain this evening. Do you think I enjoy hiding our relationship?

[M4F] [MDom] [Greek Mythology] [Forbidden Love] [Rough] [Ripping Clothes] [Degradation] [Aftercare] [Mythology]

9:36 · 5 Plays
It's 2AM — it’s not enough just to say ‘I love you.’

[M4F] [FaceTime] [Boyfriend] [Long Distance] [Accent] [L-Bombs] [Encouragement] [Praise] [What I Would Do to You] [Fantasizing] [Phone Sex]

9:51 · 0 Plays
We fight for what we is pain. (CW: Violence)

[M4F] [Historical] [Fantasy] [Accent] [Romantasy] [Intense] [Violence] [Sequel] [Medieval] [Tavern] [SFX] [Making Out] [Moaning] [Penetration] [Slow Sex] [Finish Inside]

28:30 · 0 Plays
It is my moral obligation to give you a guiding hand...

[M4F] [MDom] [Accent] [Deep Voice] [Edging] [Horror] [Fantasy] [Countdown] [Growls] [Evil Laugh] [Sound Effects] [Echo] [Enchantment] [A Bit Condescending] [Teasing] [Strict]

17:47 · 1 Play
In case no one told you today...

[M4F] [Starts at the End of Sex] [Boyfriend] [Accent] [Emotional] [Reassurance] [Apology] [Praise] [Aftercare] [Gentle] [Compliments]

20:24 · 5 Plays
I know these trails like the back of my hand.

[M4F] [Accent] [Work Retreat] [Trails] [Hike] [Smoking Together] [Joint] [Degenerates] [Flirting] [Teasing] [Work Crush] [Oral] [Princess] [Praise] [Penetration] [In Public]

15:30 · 0 Plays
When was the last time he bought you flowers?

[M4F] [Slow Burn] [Friends to Lovers] [Historical] [Betrothal] [Stop Making Excuses] [Confession] [Sweet] [SFX] [Consent] [Communication] [Oral] [Penetration] [Hold the Moan]

22:35 · 0 Plays
Have a seat. I'd love your company.

[M4F] [Rain] [Canopy] [Hotel] [Room Service] [Vacation] [Boyfriend] [Safe for Work] [Aftercare] [Story] [Relaxation] [By the Window] [Tea] [Brothers Grimm]

20:12 · 6 Plays
I'm a Taurus, of course I'm stubborn.

[M4F] [Accent] [Friends to Lovers] [Cooking] [Music] [Exposing My Birth Chart] [Astrology Banter] [Flirty] [Moaning] [Dirty Talk] [Consent] [Oral] [Penetration] [Praise]

31:18 · 48 Plays
Okay, you have my attention. And how'd you even know to call me on Skype?

[M4F] [Banter] [Humor] [Boyfriend] [Phone Sex] [And Wine Drunk] [Lingerie] [Video Call] [Quickie] [Praise] [Flustered] [Masturbation] [Dirty Talk]

22:05 · 8 Plays
Explore Playlists
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Let’s Go For It
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A Dark and Stormy Night
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The best way to let off some steam.
Shower After the Gym
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Just say please.
I'm Begging You
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Grade Me Harder
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Audios to satisfy your breeding kink.
Let’s Go For It
Nick Meyer · 0 Plays
Putting You Back To Sleep
axolotl · 2 Plays
A Dark and Stormy Night
This Guy Eli · 0 Plays
The best way to let off some steam.
Shower After the Gym
axolotl · 1 Play
The Clothes I Bought You: Part 2
Zach Cowman · 11 Plays
Just say please.
I'm Begging You
Naudio · 2 Plays
Grade Me Harder
Rum · 4 Plays

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